Archív rendezvények -> Stand up Agile Conference -

Stand up Agile Conference -
Helyszín: IIR
Szervező: IIR Magyarország

Cím: 1134 Budapest, Rózsafa u. 13. Klapka Irodaház.
E-mail cím:
Telefon: 1/4597334

Telefax: 1/4597301

A konferencia kiemelt témái:

- Step by step toward self organization
-Birth of agile – the true story
- Agile at Spotify
- Lean presentation method
-How to build responsibility and accountability that supports 
   motivation and self organization
- Agile trainings and development
-Operating and managing virtual teams
-Between the realms: dungeons and dragons of a PO
-Career path in agile teams
-The 2nd step of the Agile transformation: Learning the whys

Akiket már biztosan a konferencia előadói között köszönthetünk:

Mihály Andó, Agile Consultant, Software Craftmanship Trainer, Andó Művek
Péter Góczán, Android Engineer, Spotify
Miklós Guthy, Agile Coach, Sticky Note Consulting
Luca Benyovszky, Scrum Master, Virgo
Balázs Bitay, Lead Consultant & Partner, Virgo Agilizer
Paul Nagy, Lean and Agile Coach, NOKIA
Tamás Nagy, Consultant and Agile Coach, Sticky Note